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Baltimore Area N-Trak

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Welcome to BANTRAK

B&O’s Magical Holiday Express
This is the website of Baltimore Area NTRAK (BANTRAK), the local NTRAK club for the Baltimore area. Here you will find who we are, what we do, how to join and additional information about our club.

What's New?

What's New?

Check our events page for our current schedule.


Bantrak participated in the B&O’s HOLIDAY FESTIVAL OF TRAINS at the B&O museum in Baltimore. The club erected a large layout (photo) with operating sessions running from Dec. 22nd through the 30th. Bantrak history was made by building a layout around a real locomotive. And a cool locomotive at that. Lafayette is a reproduction of the original 1830 locomotive. Built right here in Baltimore in 1927. The reproduction is 97 years old and quite the movie star; from the famous “Great Locomotive Chase” (1956) to 1997’s “Amistad.” The public was able to view the highly detailed modules constructed by club members and watch as the members put their prototypical model trains through their paces.

B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express
B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express B&O’s Magical Holiday Express

Roland Park Place Dec 7 2024

BANTRAK and Harford Area Railroad Modelers ( HARM ) erected a combined T-Trak layout (photo) at the Roland Park Place Retirement Community in Baltimore. This third-year show was larger in several ways. More modules (94 linear feet), more modelers participating (15), more and really fine modeling skills to appreciate. There were several scenes of actual local places and buildings that visitors delighted in recognizing. Several visitors and especially kids came, stayed, came back again and stayed longer. A new feature this year was a separate double-track loop on a large separate table, with a throttle at kid-height and reachable. Two trains were running all afternoon. Several budding engineers were able to try their hand at being in command of a railroad train.

Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout
Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout Roland Park Place show layout

Great Scale Model Train Show Timonium,MD. Sept. 12 - 13 , 2024

BANTRAK participated in the September Great Scale Model Train Show.

The club operated 2 layouts in 2 different implementations of N-scale modeling.

T-Trak layout

Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout  Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout

FreemoN layout

Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout
Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout A T-Trak layout (photo) and a Freemon layout (photo) More pictures are available when viewing on a larger screen size.

N-SCALE Weekend Altoona, Pa. Sept 13 - 15 2024

About a dozen members represented Bantrak at one of the largest N scale events in the country.
Martin oversaw the build of a N-trak layout that showed off Horseshoe Curve and many other of our modules.

N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo

Eric, John Hale and John Bunge contributed six modules to the FreemoN layout.
This non-club layout was made of 98 modules from as far west as Kansas.

N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo N-SCALE Weekend photo

Natinal N-SCALE Convention Bethlehem, Pa. June 18 - 23 2024

About dozen BANTRAK members traveled to Bethlehem Pa. to participate in the 2024 Natinal N-SCALE Convention.

National Convention group photo

The group is pictured (photo) behind Paul Diley's representation of Horseshoe Curve

The Convention included a variety of activities including: home layout tours ; 1:1 scale activities; presentations ( including one by BANTRAK's own Bob Bunge ).

Bob presentation

A number of clubs constructed layouts at the Convention. BANTRAK's contribution spaned 40' by 20'

National Convention photo National Convention photo
National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo National Convention photo

Great Scale Model Train Show Timonium,MD. April 27 - 28 , 2024

BANTRAK participated in the April Great Scale Model Train Show.

The club operated an NTRAK layout with dimensions of 48' x 33'. (photo)

Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout

Great Scale Model Train Show Timonium,MD. Feb. 3 - 4 , 2024

BANTRAK participated in the February Great Scale Model Train Show.

The club operated 2 layouts in 2 different implementations of N-scale modeling.

T-Trak layout

Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout  Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout

FreemoN layout

Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout Timonium GSMT show layout

Through the efforts of Ed K. we have engineer level videos of both layouts.

A T-Trak layout (photo) and a Freemon layout (photo) More pictures are available when viewing on a larger screen size.

Biennial Officer Change

Quinlin plaque

With the new year, Chris Quinlan completed his two year term as club President. The club presented Chris with a plaque to show its appreciation for Chris's service to the club and also to the country.

Per club Bylaws, Bob Bunge advances to the role of President and John Hale becomes Vice-president. At the January meeting Freddie Mitchell was elected Second Vice-president.


Viaduct module
BANTRAK is the Baltimore Area's NTRAK club since 1983.
( learn more about our history over the years )

We appear at a variety of exhibitions each year, from the giant Great Scale Model Train Show in the State Fairgrounds in Timonium to smaller events throughout the area.
We are always looking for new members and new display opportunities. If you're looking to join us, please check out the Membership Information, and if you'd like to have us appear at your exhibition, make sure to hit the Book BANTRAK link, where you will learn how to have us appear at your event.

Membership Information

members at timonium

BANTRAK has members of all ages who are experienced in model building, electronics, carpentry and other aspects of this hobby.

Join up to share in our enjoyment of modular N scale model railroading.

Anyone over the age of 18 interested in model railroading is welcome to join BANTRAK. Children of members are invited to join their parents in club activities which are age appropriate

Annual dues is $ per person.   Each member receives a monthly newsletter that contains reports of club events and happenings and articles contributed by individual members.  A portion of the dues is for membership in the NTRAK organization and includes that organization's monthly newsletter.

To learn more about us, the location of our next meeting, setup or membership information, please contact our membership committee person by e-mail.

Download the club brochure including membership application.


as Part of Your Event

BANTRAK at B and O

We are always looking for new exhibition opportunities.  Please contact us if you are interested in having us appear at your event.

An example of a "good fit" would be an event where there is lots of "foot traffic" that is "train friendly".  Our display is a real crowd pleaser and is staffed by courteous and knowledgeable adults who proactively engage the audience.

BANTRAK has an extensive resume' of events, ranging from local malls during the Holiday season  to Railroad Celebrations throughout the region. 

Do not hesitate to contact us, our display can be as large (B&O Museum roundhouse) or as small (local fire station) as you need.  We welcome any opportunity to promote and encourage the wonderful world of model trains. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

What is NTRAK?

sample NTRAK module
n trak logo

NTRAK is a loose organization based on a set of standards that allows its members to build sections of a model railroad that will all work together when combined to form a layout.

What is T-TRAK?

t-trak layout
t trak logo

T-TRAK is based on the Principles of N-TRAK Modules and are Small Wood Bases placed on Table Tops or Shelves. Modules are Simple to build, easily joined together with locking track for electrical power, according to Standards, like all successful systems, for strength, lasting stability and varying in sizes to suit your needs.

What is FreemoN?

FreemoN layout

FreemoN is a modular scale railroading standard designed for individual modellers that specifies bench work, track work, scenery and digital control intended to raise-the-bar for scale modular railroading in general and, in this case, for N scale modular railroading. The standard promotes prototypical appearance and operations by using a single main line traversing the center of the module resulting in prototypical point-to-point or loop-to-loop configurations and operation.